
I've been a lawyer and have practiced in New York and Oregon.  My life work was helping people experiencing homelessness, which I did for 21 years in the Bay Area. This work put me in contact with strong, loving people, and encouraged me to offer my best.

Meditation and allied practices are my mainspring, and I've benefited from the guidance of wonderful teachers in over 40 years of meditating in several traditions. 

I’ve shared meditation with countless people, and have taught meditation at yoga studios, homeless shelters, Oregon Health Sciences University School of Nursing, several social work schools, and at the JFK University Graduate program in Integral Studies. Here's free access to my book Shortcuts to Meditation.

My background in meditation, law, and nonprofit management enables me to help with a wide range of challenges and opportunities. I'm like a midwife who helps people to be born into the full bloom of their lives.

Please feel free to contact me.

With warm wishes,

John Records